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Thursday’s Thoughts

Lady Behind the Lens:
*I rarely say no to chocolate, especially if it’s dark.
*I love documentaries
*My favorite flavor of gum is blue trident
*I loved Muse way before Twilight even came out. 🙂
*Sleeping in fresh clean bedding is the best
*Even though my bedding may be clean, my bedroom is usually the messiest room in the house
*Sometimes what I think in my head, and what comes out of my mouth are two completely separate things.
*Sometimes the above point gets me in trouble
*I’ll still laugh out loud at any “Napoleon Dynamite”quote
*Every once in a while I’ll say to Brant “We’re married. You’re my husband! That’s weird.”
*I am queen multi-tasker and I always have to be doing something.  Claire gets her busy body-ness from me.
*I was the lead in my high school play. I played Maria in West Side Story
*The most famous person I’ve ever met is Gary Coleman at a bank in Santaquin Utah. Rest in Peace.
*I love gardening and want to raise my own chickens someday.
*Me + cell phones = Don’t go together.  I’ve replaced like 3 this year so far. I frequently loose it.  Reaching me by facebook, twitter, or email generally gets a quicker response.