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Olivia & Brian : Sneak Preview

I just feel like the luckiest girl in the world that people whom I’ve never met hire me and trust me to fly all the way across the country to create and capture beautiful memories for them to have forever. It just blows my mind. Here is just a little sneak preview of a wedding I got to shoot in Boston Massachusetts and Cape Elizabeth Maine… Two gorgeous places. Full post to come soon!


Can I just say (again and again) how much I love when a couple does a first look, and when they make extra time for Bride & Groom photos? It’s pretty much my favorite.2013-06-19_0006 2013-06-19_0005 2013-06-19_0004 2013-06-19_0002 2013-06-19_0008

  • Elisabeth @ Bella

    June 24, 2013at10:38 am

    These are fabulous! Loved their wedding, love your pictures, and cant wait to see the full post!

  • Cindy Weatherford

    June 24, 2013at11:48 am

    Beautiful! I have the privilege of knowing these two amazing people and the above photos are gorgeous! I can’t wait to see more 🙂