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Wolf Mountain Ski Passes Giveaway!

A couple weeks ago, Claire and I had the opportunity to go to Wolf Mountain Ski Resort for a fun filled day of skiing. She had a group lesson with other kids her age, and had an absolute blast! The instructors were so nice, positive, and helpful! By the end of the day, she was going down the hill by herself!  My dad taught me to ski, and it was so heartwarming to see my little girl ski! The resort is really convinent for those of us with little ones and families. The rentals are right next to where you get your tickets, and there isn’t much “schlepping” involved with your gear. I was most impressed by how nice the ski instructors and staff were, and how reasonably priced everything was!

I didn’t want to risk anything happening to my big girl camera, so here are some Instagram photos from our day. Follow me on instagram! @katepease


I want you to have a great time at Wolf Mountain Ski Resort too, so if you want to win four passes, all you have to do is like my Kate Pease Photography Facebook Page. That’s it! I will choose one winner tonight at 5pm!